About Kayla Hodges
Meet Kayla!

Changing The Way Women Perceive Themselves
Kayla Hodges, an International Speaker and Founder/CEO of Elite Sales Women, a sales training company exclusively focused on empowering women. With millions in sales through B2B, B2C, and Event Sales, Kayla realized the lack of training specifically tailored for women. This led her to develop the R.E.D. (Real Empowering Disarming Questions) Methodology, which enhances sales skills across 158 industries by utilizing psychology, behavioral science, and leadership principles.
Kayla’s mission is to empower millions of women globally. She actively works in third-world countries to help women escape domestic violence by teaching them essential sales skills, enabling them to secure employment and transform their lives.
Her background is in behavioral psychology, strategic intervention, NLP, sales, marketing, and events. For over a decade, she has served renowned brands like Lamborghini, Make-A-Wish Foundation, Texas Advocacy Project, Porsche, Scuderia, and Tony Robbins, enhancing their community reach and sales communications.
In addition to leading Elite Sales Women, Kayla co-founded Live in Boldness and serves as the Miami Chapter Chair for Boss Talks Network, a community of women entrepreneurs. She has also collaborated with 7th Level, ranked by Selling Power magazine as one of the Top 20 sales training companies globally, where she contributed to developing NEPQ Red, a methodology created by Jeremy Miner, now with a feminine perspective.
Kayla Hodges is dedicated to fostering leadership, communication, and personal growth, empowering women to become their best selves and achieve their dreams.